If you have to postpone a game, please inform your opposition asap and if you can give them possible dates to play the fixture. Please also inform the Fixture Secretary that the game has been postponed and the date you will be playing the fixture Thank you.
Thank you to everyone that can receive the newsletter via email. Would you like to receive the newsletter via email ? Then please email me at the above email address. Please add the email address to your contacts so it doesn’t go in to your spam folder.
By using email, you can send me a picture of your score sheet after your game so that I get results in quicker and tables on the website are updated quicker. I will still require you to send in the score sheet.
For Captains that live out of Melksham.
As long as I receive an email results picture for each home match, I will be happy for you to send in multiple (max 3 home games) score sheets to me in one envelope saving you a few stamps over the season.
Captains Cup to be played Saturday 10/11/18 at the Liberal Club. Please arrive at 7.30pm prompt so positioning on the board can be drawn for a 7.45pm start.
Haven’t entered ? Please get in contact with me if you would like to enter.
Ladies Section
Change of captain in the Premier Division. Cons A captain is now Mrs T James 01380 871290. Please adjust your fixture cards.
In the ladies divisions there is currently 5 games outstanding. Could you, if you haven’t already given me a date then please rearrange these games asap.
2nd Round Draw to be played by 11/11/18
Better Halves V The Unpredictables
Comrades V Semington A
Awdry’s Angels V Flying Chicks
Breakaways V Broughton Sports
Holt Ladies V Georgians
Nomads V Liberal Ladies
Liberal Castaways V Liberal Quackers
Cons C V Armstrongs Angels
Cup draw carried out by Mr K Wathen & Mr A Annal in the presence of the full Committee.
Front Pin First Round 1 Draw to be played on set dates 29th, 30th and 31st October 2018.
Cons C v Hilperton A
The Royals v Liberal Quackers
S.A.L Ladies v Georgians
Breakaways v Cons A
Tipsy Skittlers v Liberal Ladies
Liberal Castaways v Holt Ladies
The Chasers v Comrades
The following teams have a bye :- Flying Chicks, Awdry’s Angels, Broughton Sports, The Unpredictables, Armstrongs Angels, Semington A, NOMADS, Better Halves, Bottoms Up.
Cup draw carried out by Mr R Rivers & Mr R George in the presence of the full Committee.
Mens Section
Change of contact details for Division 2 Cavaliers Mr J Wiltshire 07988 779018. Please update your fixture cards.
In the Mens divisions there is currently 7 games outstanding. Could you, if you haven’t already given me a date then please rearrange these games asap.
KO Cup 2nd Round Draw to be played by 18/11/18.
Cons D V Lacock
Avon A V Avon D
Forest Rangers V Drifters
Good, Bad & Ugly V Seend A
Comrades V The Bees
Staverton A V Steeple Ashton
Spencers A V MUDS
Melksham Casuals V Cons C
Cup draw carried out by Miss P Rankin & Mrs A Shepherd in the presence of the full Committee.
Front Pin First Cup 1st Round Draw to be played on set dates of 25th and 26th October.
Melksham Casuals V Cons C
Staverton A V Cavaliers
The Bees V Spencers B
Steeple Ashton V Forest Rangers
Seend C V Semington A
Avon A V Seend A
The following teams have a bye :- Avon D, GBU, Semington B, Spencers A, Cons D, Melksham Rovers, Staverton B, Comrades, Lacock, MUDS
Cup draw carried out by Miss P Rankin & Mrs F George in the presence of the full Committee.
I have included the 8 a side nomination draw in this newsletter to give teams plenty of notice where they will be playing.
8 a side Nomination First Round Draw to be played on set dates of 29th and 30th November.
Melksham Rovers V MUDS
Forest Rangers V Cavaliers
Avon A V Semington A
Seend A V Drifters
Melksham Casuals V Spencers A
Comrades V Avon D
Semington B V Seend B
Staverton B V Legion E
Lacock V Staverton A
Steeple Ashton V Spencers B
The following teams have a bye :- GBU, Cons D, The Bees, Saracens, Cons C, Seend C
Cup draw carried out by Miss P Rankin & Mrs F George in the presence of the full Committee.
Do you know of anyone who would like to stick up for a team ? Please let me have their name and telephone number as a few captains have mentioned they may need a sticker up.
I have 3 people who are available to stick up. Please contact me if you want their names and number.
Results to be sent to Andy Bainton (league and cup matches) 35 Queensway, Melksham SN12 7LB.
Attached is the Cup Final Dates, an additional signing on form and tables.
( I haven’t included these sheets online but hope to have the possibilty of downloading sheets from the site in the future)