Score Sheets
Please send you score sheets to Andy Bainton, 35 Queensway, Melksham SN12 7LB
If you want to email your score sheets please email Andy at
All emailed score sheets still need to be handed in after a maximum of 3 home league games.
Postponed Game
If there are any dates that you know of in advance that you can’t make then please rearrange the games early, don’t wait until the week of the game to notify your opposition. Please also inform the Fixture Secretary thank you.
General Data Protection Regulations (May 2018)
The GDPR changed on 25-MAY-18.
The Melksham & District Skittles League is a privacy conscious organisation and is strongly committed to your right to privacy.
Captain’s details that are provided by all teams who register annually with the Melksham & District Skittles League will be used by the Fixture Secretary for the purpose of contacting teams and providing information via post. Name and contact telephone number will need to be displayed on the fixture card.
If you have a team Treasurer, their address and contact details will only be held by Melksham & District Skittles League Treasurer for the purpose of the end of season bill. If your team do not have a Treasurer, the Captain’s name and address will be passed on to the League Treasurer at the end of the season for the season bill.
No other information provided by teams will be disclosed to any third parties other than Fixture secretary or Treasurer.
Old contact information/fixture cards are shredded at the end of the season.